Can the Television Help You Build Your Network Marketing Business
Posted by viechuy in entertainment side, motivational speeches, network marketing business, word program, word programming
The big question is, Can the television increase your chances of success And if so How
The answer to the first question is, yes it can help you increase or decrease your likelihood of success. There are 2 ways it can do this.
1. The television is an excellent tool for communicating information. The question then becomes, what type of information is your television sending to you
I use the television and the dvd player to watch motivational speeches all the time. And occasionally I will watch a Movie that I think is inspirational.
But, like everyone, I use it for entertainment. And here is the problem. We spend too much time on the entertainment side.
Keep in mind that when you check your t.v. guide, you are looking at the programming for that particular day. Note the word programming. I am tempted to define the word program, but I will leave it up to you. I am using it here to make a point. All day long our minds are taking in information. All that information is conditioning our minds. It is in a sense, programming us for success or failure. It is taking our focus off of our Definite Major Purpose. It is taking time away from building our business.
2. So, if we accept the last paragraph as being possible, the television can also prevent us or at best slow down our growth (and our Business growth).
I recently read an article that said the average american will watch the equivalent of 10 YEARS OF T.V.
Should I repeat myself
Yes, it is worth repeating again, but I will not. You get the picture. And you are probaly getting a good idea where I am heading with this line of thought.
What does this mean for the Business
Well, they say that the Network Marketing Business can be built in 2 to 3 years.
Keep that in mind, while I show you the numbers, and then I will show you the money!
If the average American lives to be 70 years old, T.V. reduces that time by 14%.
If you get at least 8 hours of sleep, thats approximately 13 of your life. (24 hours divided by 8 equals 3), which is another 33% of your life spent sleeping.
If you add the 2 percentages together you get approximately 47%!
HEY, you have not even gone to work yet! And you have not taken care of all the little extras. The commute to work. (I used to have to drive 45 minutes one way to work) What about showers and meals Oh yeah, you have to either go to the market to get the food to cook or wait for someone to cook it for you.
Okay Dion, you are getting carried away. How does this empower me to build the fastest and biggest network marketing business ever
Well, first off you can eliminate alot of wasted time by C-U-T-T-I-N-G O-F-F T-H-E T.V.
If you were really motivated you could eliminate most of the entertainment time, let's say 50%.
That leaves you 5 years extra to use for personal growth and building your business.
But, that doesn't really explain what you have done...........................
By decreasing that time by 5 years, you have speeded up your learning curve dramatically!
Instead of 2 to 3 years building your business, now maybe you have reduced that time too.
Now I am not a mathematical genius, but 10 years out of 70 is about 14%. So, for the sake of argument we will say you typically spend 14% of the day watching T.V. If you cut that in half you get 7% or approximately 1.75 hours.
That means you would gain an extra day every 2 weeks or so. There are 52 weeks in a year, so you would gain about 26 DAYS per year.
Now we are talking! If you could talk to a certain number per day, you could predict how many extra people you could talk to. This could mean an extra 5 to 25 recruits per year!
Can the T.V. help you build your Network Marketing Business
Take your pick. Use the T.V. for training and motivation, or turn the T.V. off and spend more time talking to new prospects. Either way the T.V. can dramatically affect your business, and lead to a huge reduction in the time that it typically takes to build a successful business.
Some of my calculations may be off, but if you can look below the surface you can see how to use these ideas to help speed up your growinglearning curve.
Thanks for reading.
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