Effects of television on children and four ways you can change this
Posted by viechuy in divergent thinking, effects of television, maximum time, watching television, work tasks
Television has become very important in the homes of many families in the past 15 years. Increasingly, television is being used as a babysitter or a way out of life. While I agree that there are some excellent television programs for both adults and children, I firmly believe that we as a society are watching too much and are in the process, disconnecting ourselves and our families.
Every mother knows to put on a DVD or a child sitting in front of a television program that is needed from time to time, maybe even twice a day. This is fine, however the problem is that today, many children are not able to sit and play for themselves even half an hour. His creativity and divergent thinking ability has greatly diminished, and I think television sets and computers are a major cause of this.
Therefore, we teach our children to be creative, imaginative individuals, healthy, right How do we do this The first step is to manage the amount of time your child spends watching TV. Here are some ideas to make this work.
1. Remember to be sure that no television privileges that are given before all the duties and tasks of work (tasks) have been completed. Television is their privilege only after these things are done.
2. Using the TV DVD as an occasional distraction baby or child of pre-. Once or twice a day for half hour or an hour is fine, but is pushing it.
3. For seniors, school children, give them maximum time to watch TV during the week. For example, tell your children they have 6 hours a week watching television. Then give them a TV guide and tell them to choose the programs you want to see. They will have to calculate the time that their programs and how best to distribute them throughout the week. When finished, review the list to ensure that none of the shows are not appropriate.
4. Provide a bowl of alternative activities that your children can choose. If your child comes and tells you to get bored, just highlight the Alternative Activities Jar and let her choose something to do from there. The ideas include construction of a puzzle, coloring a picture after cutting into pieces of the puzzle and try to put it back together again, taking pictures of nature in the backyard with a disposable camera, playing with clay or dough, or make a trade purchased at a craft store.
TV and DVD can be relaxing, entertaining and educational, however, the phrase too much of something is not healthy applies here. Should not watch television, DVDs, and computer games to be our only form of relaxation, entertainment and education. Children learn to be imaginative, creative and think more divergent when left alone to entertain or educate themselves.
Besides this, children need to learn, like all of us to be alone in the silence or quiet music in the need to have a healthy life. When everything is calm and quiet we can hear our inner voice speaking to us. But the silence that is almost impossible to hear the messages being given. I firmly believe that if you change one thing in your family, it might be. You will be amazed at the difference not only in their children, but also itself. Therefore, all these images off stimulants and just be for a while.
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