Info 101 A Guide for Parents on Bullying
Posted by viechuy in frequent nightmares, laugh track, loss of appetite, overweight child, physical ailments
If you've seen the news this morning that could have been treated to this an overweight child being beaten repeatedly by another young man, even in the face. He is simply there taking, again and again, and suddenly moves, the attacker grabs, lifts, flips over him, and drop them on the floor of the hall like a twig.
And we know all this thanks to a fellow who recorded the incident rather than plead or ask for help ...
It is what appears in this century have come from a cell phone 21 in gaming of all children pocket video, making a game of violent behavior, not too small for movies and television shows that portray people who do wrong, complete with laugh track.
The end result a lot of children are being tormented as ever, goes far beyond kids will be kids, and often with lasting effects.
Meanwhile, statistics indicate that only about one third of the victims to trust someone at school, and too often remain silent at home, too. So how is a parent know if their child is being bullied It is unfortunately quite possible, since about 25% of our children are victims of one form or another.
Just be alert, sensitive to changes in behavior, attitude and attention while maintaining these warning signs in mind
• comes home with pieces of paper, damaged or missing clothing, books or other belongings;
• Has unexplained cuts, bruises, and or scratches;
• Has few, if any, friends with whom s he passes the time;
• Seems afraid of going to school, walking to school, the school bus, or take part in organized activities with peers (such as clubs);
• Take a time, illogical route when walking to school;
• Has lost interest in school work or suddenly begins to go wrong at school;
• Appears sad, moody, teary or depressed when s he comes home;
• Complains frequently of headaches, stomachaches or other physical ailments;
• Has trouble sleeping or has frequent nightmares;
• Experiences a loss of appetite, or
• Appears anxious and suffers from low self-esteem.
One thing is certain once you know, not taken lightly, or to say that being harassed is a normal part of growth, a rite of passage that everyone goes through. The truth is that while children have long been singing about sticks and stones, damaging the bones, not words, everything hurts and can leave emotional scars that never heal.
Generally, children engage in more physical types of harassment, pushing, hitting, pushing, and the like, while girls tend to insults, social exclusion, and teasing or abusing group. Cruelty comes in many forms.
The important thing is not over-react. Your child needs to feel safe to talk to you without you too upset. When that happens, children, reluctant to cause more trouble, at times, shut down and stop looking for guidance.
Instead, keep the lines of communication open and to convince his son to also rely on a trusted teacher or counselor, arguing that it is not gossip. In the meantime, we recommend that s he avoid the author (s) wherever possible and not to react to insults when confronted, as it is the desired effect. Discourage retaliation, too, but make sure your child that if the defense is the only option, s he will have his support, despite the steps to punish the school must take.
1. Keep an open mind while listening well, with very few interruptions.
2. Avoid blaming your child.
3. Try to find out why your child is being targeted. For example, if it seems to be poor social skills, to intervene and help develop them.
4. Keep a detailed record of the incidents, record names, dates and times.
5. Alert school, starting with your child's counselor, who can intervene on behalf of him and also provide a safe haven.
6. If the problem persists, please notify the administration and make intercede on behalf of his son and put it in writing.
7. Get to know your child and encourage play dates.
8. They are based on your child's innate talents interests, signing him her to activities which, in turn, build confidence and be a source of new friends.
9. Let your love is not in doubt.
10. Model the behavior of their wish to see in your child and be sure to intervene if you saw a child is being abused.
They insist, moreover, that anti-bullying program to be in place in your child's school, and many are already doing their part. For example, Montgomery County, the efforts of the colonial school in the Middle dad have won no place for hatred of the state and Merion Middle School has been recognized as a National School of Character. Others are carrying out such programs in high esteem as Olweus, measures to respect, second step, and Bully-proof your school.
And regardless of the status of your child, even if they never mistreated - be sure to talk about the perpetrators and victims, said while his side and do nothing or videotape an incident feeds bullying behavior, take the blame , too, and is simply not an option. After all, what goes around comes around, and the golden rule should always be applied.
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